Further Reading in the Rust Reference

The best sources of information about lifetimes are the Rust Reference and Rustonomicon. If you require a really advanced knowledge of lifetimes to complete a project, the reference will contain that knowledge. Most times, however, if you feel you need to understand something complex about lifetimes, you may find that there is a simpler alternative.

Other Useful Lifetimes Content

Variance and Subtyping

This guide does not cover the topic of "variance" at all, which is how lifetimes can be substituted for one-another. Variance, while theoretically important, is not useful in a day-to-day understanding of lifetimes, and so it was not included in the book.

You can read more about it in the Rustonomicon (subtyping).

Brain Teaser 1: Why doesn't this program work:

If you're interested in working through a really difficult exercise to test your understanding of lifetimes and generics, the following exercise may be interesting.

This should be another way of implementing the code in exercise 5. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. This took the author of this book 20 minutes to figure out (after having written five chapters), so he challenges you to do better!

use std::collections::HashSet;

struct Difference<'first, 'second> {
    first_only: Vec<&'first str>,
    second_only: Vec<&'second str>

fn find_difference<'fst, 'snd>(sentence1: &'fst str, sentence2: &'snd str) -> Difference<'fst, 'snd> {
    let sentence_1_words: HashSet<&str> = sentence1.split(" ").collect();
    let sentence_2_words: HashSet<&str> = sentence2.split(" ").collect();

    Difference {
        first_only: (&sentence_1_words - &sentence_2_words).into_iter().collect(),
        second_only: (&sentence_2_words - &sentence_1_words).into_iter().collect(),


fn main() {
    let first_sentence = String::from("I love the surf and the sand.");
    let second_sentence = String::from("I hate the surf and the sand.");

    let first_only = {
        let third_sentence = String::from("I hate the snow and the sand.");
        let diff = find_difference(&first_sentence, &third_sentence);

    assert_eq!(first_only, vec!["hate", "surf"]);

    let second_only = {
        let third_sentence = String::from("I hate the snow and the sand.");
        let diff = find_difference(&third_sentence, &second_sentence);

    assert_eq!(second_only, vec!["snow"]);

For more information about this issue, read this Rust issue.