Chapter 2: Tags and Character Classes

The simplest useful parser you can write is one which has no special characters, it just matches a string.

In nom, we call a simple collection of bytes a tag. Because these are so common, there already exists a function called tag(). This function returns a parser for a given string.

Warning: nom has multiple different definitions of tag, make sure you use this one for the moment!

extern crate nom;
pub use nom::bytes::complete::tag;

For example, code to parse the string "abc" could be represented as tag("abc").

If you have not programmed in a language where functions are values, the type signature of them tag function might be a surprise:

pub fn tag<T, Input, Error: ParseError<Input>>(
    tag: T
) -> impl Fn(Input) -> IResult<Input, Input, Error> where
    Input: InputTake + Compare<T>,
    T: InputLength + Clone, 

Or, for the case where Input and T are both &str, and simplifying slightly:

fn tag(tag: &str) -> (impl Fn(&str) -> IResult<&str, Error>)

In other words, this function tag returns a function. The function it returns is a parser, taking a &str and returning an IResult. Functions creating parsers and returning them is a common pattern in Nom, so it is useful to call out.

Below, we have implemented a function that uses tag.

extern crate nom;
pub use nom::bytes::complete::tag;
pub use nom::IResult;
use std::error::Error;

fn parse_input(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
    //  note that this is really creating a function, the parser for abc
    //  vvvvv 
    //         which is then called here, returning an IResult<&str, &str>
    //         vvvvv

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let (leftover_input, output) = parse_input("abcWorld")?;
    assert_eq!(leftover_input, "World");
    assert_eq!(output, "abc");


If you'd like to, you can also check tags without case-sensitivity with the tag_no_case function.

Character Classes

Tags are incredibly useful, but they are also incredibly restrictive. The other end of Nom's functionality is pre-written parsers that allow us to accept any of a group of characters, rather than just accepting characters in a defined sequence.

Here is a selection of them:

  • alpha0: Recognizes zero or more lowercase and uppercase alphabetic characters: /[a-zA-Z]/. alpha1 does the same but returns at least one character
  • alphanumeric0: Recognizes zero or more numerical and alphabetic characters: /[0-9a-zA-Z]/. alphanumeric1 does the same but returns at least one character
  • digit0: Recognizes zero or more numerical characters: /[0-9]/. digit1 does the same but returns at least one character
  • multispace0: Recognizes zero or more spaces, tabs, carriage returns and line feeds. multispace1 does the same but returns at least one character
  • space0: Recognizes zero or more spaces and tabs. space1 does the same but returns at least one character
  • line_ending: Recognizes an end of line (both \n and \r\n)
  • newline: Matches a newline character \n
  • tab: Matches a tab character \t

We can use these in

extern crate nom;
pub use nom::IResult;
use std::error::Error;
pub use nom::character::complete::alpha0;
fn parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let (remaining, letters) = parser("abc123")?;
    assert_eq!(remaining, "123");
    assert_eq!(letters, "abc");

One important note is that, due to the type signature of these functions, it is generally best to use them within a function that returns an IResult.

If you don't, some of the information around the type of the tag function must be manually specified, which can lead to verbose code or confusing errors.