Chapter 5: Repeating with Predicates

Just as, when programming, the humble while loop unlocks many useful features; in Nom, repeating a parser multiple times can be incredibly useful

There are, however, two ways of including repeating functionality into Nom -- parsers which are governed by a predicate; and combinators which repeat a parser.

Parsers which use a predicate

A predicate is a function which returns a boolean value (i.e. given some input, it returns true or false). These are incredibly common when parsing -- for instance, a predicate is_vowel might decide whether a character is an english vowel (a, e, i, o or u).

These can be used to make parsers that Nom hasn't built in. For instance, the below parser will take as many vowels as possible.

There are a few different categories of predicate parsers that are worth mentioning:

  • For bytes, there are three different categories of parser: take_till, take_until, and take_while. take_till will continue consuming input until its input meets the predicate. take_while will continue consuming input until its input does not meet the predicate. take_until looks a lot like a predicate parser, but simply consumes until the first occurence of the pattern of bytes.
  • Some parsers have a "twin" with a 1 at the end of their name -- for example, take_while has take_while1. The difference between them is that take_while could return an empty slice if the first byte does not satisfy a predicate. take_while1 returns an error if the predicate is not met.
  • As a special case, take_while_m_n is like take_while, but guarantees that it will consume at least m bytes, and no more than n bytes.
extern crate nom;
use std::error::Error;
use nom::IResult;
use nom::bytes::complete::{tag, take_until, take_while};
use nom::character::{is_space};
use nom::sequence::{terminated};

fn parse_sentence(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
    terminated(take_until("."), take_while(|c| c == '.' || c == ' '))(input)

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let (remaining, parsed) = parse_sentence("I am Tom. I write Rust.")?;
    assert_eq!(parsed, "I am Tom");
    assert_eq!(remaining, "I write Rust.");
    let parsing_error = parse_sentence("Not a sentence (no period at the end)");


For detailed examples, see their documentation, shown below:

take_whiletake_while(is_alphabetic)"abc123"Ok(("123", "abc"))Returns the longest list of bytes for which the provided function returns true. take_while1 does the same, but must return at least one character. take_while_m_n does the same, but must return between m and n characters.
take_tilltake_till(is_alphabetic)"123abc"Ok(("abc", "123"))Returns the longest list of bytes or characters until the provided function returns true. take_till1 does the same, but must return at least one character. This is the reverse behaviour from take_while: take_till(f) is equivalent to take_while(\|c\| !f(c))
take_untiltake_until("world")"Hello world"Ok(("world", "Hello "))Returns the longest list of bytes or characters until the provided tag is found. take_until1 does the same, but must return at least one character